Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tough today

It was tougher to be positive at the beginning of the day because all of the kids I work with were saying very negative things about my new hair, but without further ado, positivity:
1. Saw Mason Jar in the AM
2. Got my packages mailed
3. Heard Van Halen’s “Want One” on the Radio
4. Got to be “DJ” in PE
5. Am adored by an eighth grade boy who is so unique and brilliant that it’s an honor that he reveres me.
6. Never felt hungry, never over-ate
7. Found a dollar and bought a soda
8. Watched a really cool doc in my credential class called “King Gimp.”
9. Ryan and Alex made me happy.
10. Alex and I drew a totally amazing picture together in another one of my credential classes.

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