Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It was actually a pretty bad day considering some of the bad stuff that happened, and yet at the end of it I’m still smiling and positive. Wow. That’s quite a change in me.
1. Sleep in/slow down for Wednesday late start.
2. Hair/outfit/makeup looked awesome!
3. Came a little bit closer to deciding about my transfer situation to SDSU—definitely at this point am going to at least apply.
4. Smiled a lot (for most of the day)
5. At the one chunk of my day that I let stress temporarily bring me down, Miles told me that he has a girlfriend now. Woo hoo! Go Miles!
6. Thought up a really cool idea for my final project for one of my classes—now if I can just pull it off…
7. Finished a paper for a different class.
8. My friend made me a mix-tape.
9. That same friend invited me to Thanksgiving with his family, and although I probably won’t be able to go because it will offend my mom too much, the gesture was lovely.
10. I saw a falling star and frantically wished upon it.

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