Saturday, December 12, 2009


So, I’m seeing this guy nearly every day. I’m there nearly every day, and he’s there nearly every day. It’s killing me. He’s like my male counterpart. BUT I cannot find a way to even smile at him. Why? Three reasons. One is pride. He recently had the opportunity to do his cardio on a machine near me, but instead he chose one in the back. When I think someone’s cute I go near where they are. Second reason is that he always has his ipod on. How the heck am I supposed to talk to him if he’s never available? Wearing earbuds is like being in a totally different dimension. I know I don’t want to be bothered when my earbuds are in. Third reason is I can’t really tell how old he is. He might actually be pretty young. It’s so hard to tell because I know I look really young for my age, so it’s difficult for me to gauge other’s ages. Grrrr. None of this should be stopping me. I think he may be starting to take notice of me, but who really knows? Any advice out there? I am so useless when it comes to this stuff.

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