Monday, December 14, 2009


1. Last week of work/school until January/February!!!!!! (a million exclamation points wouldn’t be enough)
2. I was a shoulder to cry on, a listener to a friend.
3. The 7th grade art teacher complimented my artwork (it is pretty fucking boss)
4. Revised all of my papers and finals due this week, but most of them were great as-is! Yay me!
5. Mr. Hart is super hot. I won’t see him after this term for 9 weeks, so that’s a bummer, but I don’t get tired of looking at him while he’s there.
6. Alex is beautiful, not hot, beautiful. I sit by him in class and it takes every bit of my resolve not to grab him and kiss him—his neck, his hands, his shoulder, his lips. They all cry out for my touch.
7. My final presentation for one class went pretty well—and that class is now over forever! YES!
8. Super cute outfit for me today. Dunno how I came up with it, but it was truly inspired.
9. Also, Alex has these amazing doe-like eyes that are so complicated and enigmatic. I want to deconstruct and analyze their beauty scientifically while at the same time taking a brush and paint to the canvas and capturing their numerous facets. sigh Nothing like a great face.
10. Peppermint tea (Larry).

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