Tuesday, December 15, 2009


1. 10 days until Christmas and until my sister comes to visit!
2. Three more days of work left—and their school-days are all minimum days for finals. YAY yay!
3. Only one more day left of classes for my school!!!
4. My outfit was cute today (“Are you a teacher?”)
5. I watched one of my boys perform in a Winter concert tonight. He played clarinet. It was very cute.
6. 190 calorie meal of Sole from Trader Joes. Unheard of. And so yummy.
7. Super-intense workout. Especially the weight-lifting portion. Yowza.
8. Heard from my old buddy from Oakland, Jose today.
9. Closed out another class tonight! Pretty sure I’ll be getting an A in there.
10. Zach is beautiful.

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